So when you see the moon over the vertical line remember its only a half aa sound.
a) A dot
over the top as in the word rUNg (of a ladder ).
and b) as a longer deeper sound ann
as in the word cANt
made with the tip of the tongue touching the back of the upper top teeth and protruding slightly beyond them and
the soft th sound with the tongue a bit further back as in souTH....
.........tota -----parrot .
.....Thanks !
.....Laf (lough) it is the letter F written in Hindi as
Whats this word ?
See if you can guess the sound of another letter
from this word
...maD ie the D is represented by the letter
Whats this word ?
For a final test see if you can read this somewhat painful story in English. It has one new letter , see if you can guess the sound.
.......The bee stung John . He told his mum. She told him not to cry. The sound for a vowel i (or little e) is represented by the letter .
Note that the L in t-o-l-d should really be a half L as otherwise the word reads tolud. We will come to half letters later. Can you identify all the letters learnt in this lesson ?
. with un sound as in hung
....aan sound as in shant
....the soft t as when the tongue touches the bottom teeth -Lata -name of a girl.
....the soft th as in mirTH or THud .
.....The F as in First.
....the hard d as in Driver and finally the vowel sound for little e or i written on its own . in drY. Go over the lesson again . Next week we look at more vowels on their own.
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