Learn to Read Russian
Corrections with the help of Tatyana. See if you can read the name of a famous city.
The answer is Moskva , as the Russians call Moscow. Note that C is pronounced as S and B as V. Now that you know what is V , can you read what this famous drink is ?
VODKA . Note what D looks like . Here is somebody most people wish they didnt have to go to
DOCTOR. Note that P is pronounced as R . What is this famous Russian airline ?
AEROFLOT . Note the shape of the E , F and L .
This is where you might have a picnic.
PARK . P is easy to remeber because it looks like pi the mathematical symbol. This is where you might go for a drink .
BAR . The letter B is the only symbol that is written slightly differently in small letter. For example the next is a very popular game.
FOOTBOL . Not the small B and that Y in Russian has the sound oo.
This is what one would call a traveller .
TOORIST. Note how the i is written as a sort of N with the slanting line the other way round.Who is this famous Russian ?
LENIN. The H sounds like N in Russian . Now that you know N have a guess what this says
This is a Russian Grandmother
BABOO-SH-KA . Note the symbol for SH as in SHoe . Here the word is written again with the capitals . Note B is slightly different
The next is a combined sound made of SH followed by a CH (as in CHina) . Can you identify this famous soup .
BOR-SHCH and written in capitals.
The next fierce looking letter is ZH pronounced as in pleaSUre .
ZH-E-N -A-T means married .Its like a K joined to its mirror image.
The next image has the Russian word for tea.
It is spelt CH-A-Y as in Indian tea . The next word has the letter for G . It was the name of a city now called St Petersburg.
Note that Russian G looks like a T with the left arm clipped off.
Now the aw sound as in hello . This is the Russian word for hello in small and capital letters.
The Russian Z looks like a reversed 3 . The following word reads zoo.
KH as in KHAN is written as X
The Russian Ya is like a reversed R. The following word spells YARD in English .
The Russian for son is pronounced as sin and the i is written as a b and i together
The EH sound is also like 3 reversed. This word ETO means that.
Next is like the small b which is a y sound added to the preceding sound eg this is PYTY -five
Using the bi word for i we could write its in Russian as follows. The ts sound is represented by the following letter.
The last letter is rare and used to signify a silent gap . For example the following word sounds like - ob...yv