Please note reader Sathasivam, Bahee , a teacher in Tamil's comments that All Tamil consonants eg the letters L , P , S in Alps etc. should have a dot on top of them . They have been ommitted by mistake in the figures below and in the other lessons .
These few lessons will help one to read Tamil script. This figure has the letter M and the vowel sound AA as in fAther .
Can you read your first word in Tamil ?
Full marks if you got is as Mama ( Maamaa) - uncle .
Can you guess the name of this person a King of ancient India?
It is Rama
Next we introduce the letter P and the vowel mark i as in this Hindi word for water.
The first letter is P and the next one is the mark AA , followed by N and then the short i .
Note the short i in Tamil comes after the letter.
This is Tamil for mother . It has the letter A (pronouced ugh) in the front.
This figure has the double RR , it is what English people call all Indian dishes
The answer is KRRi (curry!).
Revise all the letters learnt so far
Here are the answers
And the two vowel marks
Revise this lesson a couple of times before going on to the next one.