to recommend key appointments
PESHAWAR - The provincial
military set-up has decided to constitute a special committee comprising
senior, honest and competent bureaucrats for recommending appointments
to key posts.
Sources disclosed toThe
Frontier Post Wednesday that the body, called Placement Scrutiny
........Full Story

before Nov 6, '90 can't be tried under Ehtesab Act: SC
Supreme Court has held that the instances of corruption that took place
before November 6, 1990 could not be tried under Ehtesab Act 1997.
"We are of the view that
only those proceedings which were pending under Ordinance XX on the date
of promulgation of the Ehtesab Act were saved and continued which related
........Full Story

submarine departs for Pakistan
TOULON (AFP) - A French-built
submarine purchased by Pakistan departed Wednesday after having been blocked
in this southern port following last month's military overthrow of the
government of prime minister Nawaz Sharif.
The French government had
blocked the departure of the Agosta 90-B class submarine as well as upgraded
Mirage-5 fighter jets following the October 12 coup.
Military sources said the
submarine, the Khalid, was expected to reach the high seas around noon
........Full Story

row arbitration on 19th
ISLAMABAD - A mediation
commission headed by Justice (Retd) Shafiur Rehman would announce on November
19 its final decision on WAPDA Sindh government on dispute over electricity
An official told The Frontier
Post here Wednesday that the commission would accomplish the task of recording
arguments of both the parties by November 17 so as to give its final judgement
on November 19th.The commission was constituted .........Full

gathers more details of Raiwand Palace
ISLAMABAD - National
Accountability Bureau has unearthed startling revelations about the grand
Raiwind Palace of Sharif family in Pakistan, exposing the ex-rulers' large
scale plunder and misuse of official authority, The Frontier Post has reliably
In the annals of history,
Versailles Palace of Lious Dynasty was explored after the historic French
Revolution and in Pakistan, Raiwind Palace ........Full

verdict on Sharif family petition on 18th
F.P. Bureau Report
LAHORE - The Lahore
High Court on November 18 will adjudicate upon a petition filed on behalf
of the family of the deposed prime minister Nawaz Sharif as an application
was moved seeking the announcement of judgment on an appeal about loan
adjustments and income tax of four industrial units and 16 family members.The
petitioner's counsel, A.K. Dogar, submitted that the judgment, which was
reserved .........Full Story

identify Nawaz, Shujaat's front men
F.P. Bureau Report
ISLAMABAD - Investigations
by authorities have found some clues to the identity of some of the front
men of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif and former interior minister
Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain.
Informed sources told this
scribe that investigations have reached one individual named Kahlid Rehman
resident of Cavalry Ground, Lahore, as front man of former interior minister
Chaudhry Shujaat.
Khalid Rehman, it is said,
was serving the Chaudhry's of Gujrat ..........Full

to flourish only after ehtesab: Qadri
F.P. Bureau Report
ISLAMABAD - Pakistan
Awami Tehrik (PAT) chairman Dr. Tahirul Qadri Wednesday said his party
believed in the flourishing of democratic norms, adding, "the prevailing
circumstances, however, demand cleansing the country of corrupt elements
to pave the way for a true and durable democratic process."
"We want real democracy
and not like that practiced by Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto," Qadri
said while addressing Islamabad Bar Association......Full

pin great hopes on army: Babar
The former Interior Minister and a PPP leader, Maj.: General (Retd) Naseerullah
Babar has said that masses have attached great expectations with the military
"People's expectations are
very high. If the military authorities do not come to the expectation of
the people and do not heed to other problems, it would disappoint the people
even ........Full Story

educational institutions counselling service provided to admission-seeking
F.P. Bureau Report
ISLAMABAD - The One-day
exhibition of the UK Universities in the capital city on Wednesday attracted
a large number enthusiastic students, parents, and general spectators to
explore chances of admission in Britain.
The Exhibition, joined by
25 leading universities/colleges ........Full

barns polluting environment in Jhanda Chich
Jhanda Chichi, a busy locality in Rawalpindi, gives the look of a filth
depot as hundreds of milkmen have set up illegal barns in densely populated
streets, turning the area into an environmental hazard.
The waste is lying in open
and the stink all around adds to the misery of residents.
Residents of the area ......Full

seeks re-investigation into references
KARACHI - Pakistan
Peoples Party (PPP) Wednesday re-iterated the call for reinvestigation
of all the References filed, pending in courts or being investigated under
the Ehtesab Act, 1997.
Mian Raza Rabbani, Deputy
Secretary General, PPP demanded that afresh proceedings be initiated ......Full
