Learn Spanish
Lesson 2

Spanish  Language Schools Intensive Language Courses TEFL

Home..Lesson 3

In this lesson we will look at some questions commonly asked

Como (komo) - how , Cuantos- how many , Cual( kooal)- which
Cuando-when ,Donde-where , Hay - is
Puede(pooede) - can , Tiene -have , Que(kay)-what , Quien-who

Como se llama usted , por favor ?
komo (how) say (are) yama (called) oosted (you) por favor (please)?, Whats your name?

Como se va centro de Madrid ?
How do (se) va (go) center (centro) of (de) Madrid
How do I get to the centre of Madrid ?

note ll often pronunced as y

Cuantos anos tiene
kooantos (how many) aanyos (years) teeaene ? ( have ?)
How old are you?

Cuanto cuesta el billete ?
How much costs the ticket ?

Cuanto es ?
How much is ( it) ?

Cual es su occupacion ?
What is your occupation (okyoopaseeon)?

Cual es el numero de telefono del Policia ?
What is the number of telephone of the Police?

Cuando sale el ultimo tren para Lisbon ?
When does the last train leave (sale) for(para) Lisbon ?

Cuando cierran la cosigna ?
When closes the left luggage office ?

Donde esta el equipaje del vuelo del London
Where is the(el) luggage (equipaje) from (del) vuelo (flight) from London ?

Donde se puede cambiar dinero ? Where is (se) can (puede) change (cambiar) money (dinero) ?
Where can I change some money ?

De donde sale el barco ?
From where leaves the boat ?

Eres John?
Are you John ?

Es usted casado o soltero ?
Are you married or single ?

Esta usted libre para vernos el cinco de juno a las once ?
Are (esta) you free(libre) to(para) meet(vernos) on the fifth of (de) June at 11 o clock (once =11) ?

Hay algun hotel por aqui ?
hay (is) algun(any) hotel por (near) aqui (here)?

Hay mercado alli ? Is there a market there ?

Hace cuanto tiempo que vive usted en Mexico ?
Hace ( done) cuanto(many) tiempo(time) que (that) vive(lived) usted (you) en (in) Mexico?
How long have you lived in Mexico ?

Puede aydarme , el coche no arranca .
Can (puede) you help (aydarme) the car (coche) wont start (arranca).

Puede hablar mas despacio ?
Can you speak more slowly ?

Puede pagar con esta tarjeta de credito ?
Can I pay (pagar) with(con) this(esta) credit card(tarjeta) ?

Que hora es ?
What hour is it ?
Que(what) ora(hour or time) es(is) ?

Que idiomas habla ?
What languges do you speak?
eedeeomaas(languages) aablaa(speak)

Por que ?
For what ? eg why did you do it or say that ?

Quien es usted ?
Who (quien) are (es) you ?
Tiene la casa un jardin grande ?
Tiene(has) la(the) casa(house) un (a) jardin( garden) grande( large)?
Does the house have a large garden ?

Tiene amigos alli ?
amgos (friends) alli (ayee -there)
Have you friends there ?

Tiene usted hijos?
Have you children (hijos) ?

Nataly Romero makes the following comments

Below I am including some more corrections, this time only universal ones: *I promise*! Also, the "quatro" needs to be changed to "cuatro" and the "cincocientos' does need to be 'quinientos."

However, about the "v" and "b," some Spaniards do make a difference between the two, but in most other countries (all of Latinamerica) there is absolutely no difference in the pronounciation.


As a question, the words "cómo" "cuántos" "cuál" "cuándo" "dónde" "qué" and "quién" must have accent marks. This identifies them as question words. The reason for this is that some of the words have a different meaning without the accent.



¿Cómo voy a Barcelona? How do I go to Barcelona?
(Cómo means HOW)

Está tan frío como el helado. It is as cold as ice cream.
(Como means AS or LIKE)


¿Qué hora es? What time is it?
(Qué means WHAT)

¡Qué lindo! How beautiful!
(Qué means HOW)

Marco es el que sabe. Marco is the one that knows.
(Que means THAT)

Como se va centro de Madrid
should be

Como se va al centro de Madrid

Al is a contraction of "a" and "el". "A" means "to," "el" is the singular masculine for "the." If we only say, "como se va centro de Madrid," it means "how does one go to center of Madrid."

The correct way is, "¿Cómo se va al centro de Madrid." If you want to say, "how do I go to the center of Madrid," it should be "como voy al centro de Madrid?" or "¿Cómo llego al centro de Madrid?"

It should be "¿Cuál es su ocupación?", and it is pronounced "o koo pa see on." there is no "o kyoo."

For "del policía," el policía means just one officer. If you want to call the police, it should be "de la policía." If you ask for the number for "el policía" they are likely to say, "¿cuál?" or "which one?"

It should not be "del London," only "de London."
cinco de juno should be cinco de "Junio" to help is "ayudarme," not "aydarme"
Puede pagar means "can you-he-she pay." It should be changed to "puedo pagar" which means "can I pay"

Lesson 3