Learn Spanish
Lesson 3

Spanish  Language Schools Intensive Language Courses TEFL

Home..Lesson 4
This lesson contains another 100 Spanish words.
Corrected with grateful thanks to Nataly Romero.

Soy Juan , I am John

Eres espanol , you are spanish.

Es Italiano, He/She is Italian

Somos ingleses , We are English .

Sois italianos (informal) , You (many ) are Italian.

Son Italianos (formal), You (many) are Italian

Son indios (Red Indians) or Son hindus ( Indians) , They are Indian.

The above are permanent states of being Spanish , Italian etc.
For temporaray states 'to be ' is of another form-estoy ,esta , estan etc. eg.

Estoy enfermo , I am ill

Estoy buscando un regalo para mi madre .
I am looking for a present (regalo) for my mother

Carmen esta en el salon, Carmen is in the lounge

Los ninos (ninyos) estan jugando (hugando) en el jardin ; The children are playing in the garden .

Spanish has male and female names for objects eg a book ( libro-endings with o) is male and a house(casa -endings with a ) is female .

un libro ,unos libros; one book , some books

una casa, unas casas ; one house ,some houses

el libro (male) the book ; los libros, the books

la mesa, las mesas; the table (female) , the tables

Rojo, naranja,amarillo (amarilliyo) ,verde , marron,marrado, azul, negro, blanco ,rosa son colores.
Red, orange, yellow , green (verde) , brown, purple ,blue, black (negro) , white, pink are colors.
Enero , Febrero,Marzo,Abril,Mayo,Junio ,Julio,Agosto,Septiembre,Octubre, Noviembre, Deciembre son meses .
January --> December are months.

Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sabado y Domingo son los dias de la semana.
Monday , tuesday , wednesday, thursday ( Jueves) , friday , saturday and sunday are the days of the week.

La primavera, el verano, el otono, y ( y is pronounced as ee in eek ) el invierno sonlas estacions.
Spring, summer,autumn and winter are seasons.

Son las nueve y once ; It is nine and 11 ( 11 minutes past 9 o clock)

Son las dos menos veinte ; It is two minus twenty ( twenty to two).

El autobus sale a las siete de la manana (manyana).
The bus leaves at the seven of the morning (seven am).

El tren llega a las cuuatro de la tarde .
The train arrives at the four of the afternoon ( 4pm).

Carmen come en su casa a las nueve de la noche.
Carmen eats at her house at the nine of the night (nine pm).

El coche sale por la manana, The car leaves for the morning ( in the morning).

Por la noche todo esta en silencio. For the night everything (todo) is in silence.

La bolsa es mia; The bag is mine.

La pelota es tuya ; The ball is yours .

La camas es suya ; The bed is his/hers/its.

Las plumas son nuestras ; The pens are ours.

El pan es vuestro. ; The bread is yours.

Los gatos son suyos ; The cats are theirs.

Hermano, hermana,tio,tia,marido, mujer , primo, prima,sobrino,sobrina ,padre,madre,hijo,hija, abuelo,abuelo todos son parientes.

Brother,sister,uncle,aunt, husband, wife , cousin (primo), cousin (female) , nephew, neice,father , mother, son (heeyo) , daughter , grandfather , grandmother all are relatives(parientes).

Contable, arquitecto,granjero, medico,enfermera,pintor,vendedor, profesor, tecnico, secretaria,portero, marino, interprete,abogado son empleos (okoopaaseeons)

Accountant , architect , farmer, doctor,nurse, painer, slaesman, teacher, technician, secretary , porter, sailor , interpreter , lawyer are professions.

Gato , perro,caballo, hamster , raton , tortuga , conejo, dinosaurio, rana, cabra, vaca , cerdo , cordero son animales

Cat , dog, horse ,hamster, rat, tortoise , rabbit, dinosaur, frong(rana) ,goat ,cow, pig ,lamb are animales .

Pato , oca, pollo (poyo) ,pollito , canario, pavo, petirojo, buho son pajaros.

Duck , goose, chicken , chick, canary , turkey , robin, owl are birds.

Cabeza , pelo , ojo, nariz , oreja, boca, dientes , cuello , brazo , codo, mano , dedos , rodilla , pierna , pie , los dedos del pie, son partes del cuerpo.

Head , hair , eye , nose , ear ( oreja) , mouth , teeth , neck , arm (brazo), elbow, hand , fingers , knee (rodiyo) , leg , foot , toes ( the fingers of the foot), are parts of the body.


elephante grande , pequeno pez de colores ; large elephant , small fish of color (goldfish)

sopa caliente , helado frio ; soup hot , cold ice cream

diamente duro , seda suave ; hard diamond ,silk soft

El sol para el dia , La luna para la noche ; The sun for the day , The moon for the night.

muchacha contenta, muchacho triste ; happy girl , sad boy

venado rapido , serpiente lento ; fast deer , slow snake

encime de la puente , debajo del tunnel ; over the bridge , under the tunnel

arriba de la escalera , abajo de la escalera ; up (of) the stairs , down the ladder

dentro de la casa , fuera de los jardines ; inside in the house , outside in the garden

paraguas mojado , ropa seca; umbrella wet , dry cloth

La chaqueta ,visera,cinta camisa , camiseta , pantalones , abrigo, sueter , panatlonetas cortos , vaqueros , falda , calcetines , blusa , vestido , bufanda son ropas.

The jacket ,capf, ribbon, shirt , t-shrit , trousers , coat (abrigo) , sweater , shorts , jeans (vaqueros) , skirt (falda) , socks , blouse , dress ( vestido) , scarf are clothes.

Tomates , leche , huevos , pan,queso,patatas, manzanas , naranjas, carne , uvas , salchichas , zanahorias , palatones , chocolate son comidas

Tomatos , milk , eggs , bread(pan) , cheese , potatoes , apples , oranges , meat (carne), grapes , sausages , carrots ( zanahorias) , bananas , chocolate are foods.

Me duelle la cabeza , cara , craneo , frente , ojo (oyo) , parepado, ceja, pestanas, oreja, nariz, boca, labio , mejilla , barbilla , mandibulo ...

It hurts the ( in my) head , face, skull , forehead , eye , eyebrow (ceya) , eyelash, ear ,nose , mouth , lip , cheek , chin, jaw..

..diente , encia , lengua , cuello , garganta , amigdala, glandula , pelo ,piel , cutis , tronco , hueso , costilla..

..teeth, gum, tongue,neck, throat, tonsil(amigdala) , glands , hair ,skin,skin, trunk, bone, rib..

..espina dorsal , pecho, abdomen, vientre, pulmon, corazon, estomago , instestinos, higado , rinon, hombro, brazo, codo, mano, muneca, dedo, pulgar. menique. una ..

dorsal spine , chest , abdomen ,belly ,lung,heart (corazon) , stomach, intestines , liver, kidney, shoulder (hombro) , arm, elbow, hand, wrist , finger , thumb , little finger , nail (una)..

...muslo , pierna , rodilla , tobillo, pie, dedo del pie ,plantar del pie en realidad in todo del partes mi cuerpo.

.. thigh , leg , knee (rodiya) , ankle , foot , finger of the foot (toe) , sole , really (in fact) in every part of my body.

Los arboles , arbrusto , hierba , col , flor , girasol,champinon son plantas
The trees, bushes , grass, cabbage, flower, sunflower (girasol) , mushrooms are plants.

El cajon, estante ,perchero, pupitre , mesa ,silla ,espejo , caja de juguetes ,cama son muebles
A drawer, shelf , hook ,desk, table , chair ( silla) , mirror, box of toys , bed are furnitures.

Las abejas, escarabajo, oruga,mariposa ,hormiga son insectos
The bees, beetle ,caterpillar,butterfly,ant are insects.

El circulo , cuadrado,rombo,estrella, triangulo,cruz,rectangulo,corazon son formas
The circle , square,diamond,star,triangle,cross,rectangle,heart are shapes

El tren ,helicoptero,avion,camion, tractor, coche,autobus son vehiculos
the train,helicopter,plane,lorry ,tractor ,car , bus are vehicles.

We will come back to vocabulary in a later lesson

Notes by Nataly Romero

Also, in Spanish, none of the nationalities are capitalized. It should be "es italiana" "somos ingleses," etc.

To say, "they are Indian" it should be "Son hindús," when talking about India, the country. If talking about native people of the Americas, it should be "son indios" or "son indigenas."

jugando is pronounced "hoo gaa n do" with an "h" sound, not a "y."

El tren llega a las CUatro de la tarde. Qu is always pronounced like a "K" Cua is pronounced like "Kwa"
Carmen COME EN su casa a las nueve de la noche. (comemos is for nosotros, the first person plural, or "we")

La bolsa is miA (the adjective must agree with the noun... Bolsa is feminine, La bolsa = La bolsa es mia)

La pelota es tuyA La CAMA es suyA

The word ocupacion does not mean "occupation" like in English. It would be better to use the word "empleo" or "profesión." "Ocupación" is more of a temporary state, of what you are doing at present. This is one of many false cognates between Spanish and English.
It should be "partes del cuerpo" instead of "partes de la cuerpo." Cuerpo is masculine and is "el cuerpo," so it has to use the contraction "del cuerpo."

Toes are "los dedos del pie," instead of "los dedos el pie." "los dedos el pie" means "the fingers, the foot."

For the opposites, the adjective needs to go AFTER the noun in Spanish, so it should be:

ELEFANTE grande NOT grande elephante ; sopa caliente, helado frio; DIAMANTE duro; seda SUAVE

muchacha contenta, muchacho triste

VENADO rapido, serpiente lento


arriba DE la escalera abajo DE la escalera

dentro DE la casa Fuera DE los jardines

Paraguas mojado ropa secA

Shorts is more commonly known as "pantalonetas"

To say "it hurts me," it is NOT "la duele..." It is ME DUELE and then the noun with article examples:

Me duele la cabeza Me duele la cara

In Spanish, the possesive pronoun is not used as commonly as in English. It is usually only used to distinguish ownership or to put emphasis on something. For this reason, with body parts, the possesive pronoun is not usually used.

"actually" in Spanish is not "actualmente."
In Spanish, "actualmente" means "presently" or "right now"
For example: "actualmente estudio en la universidad"
"I presently study at the university."
Actually should be translated as "al decir verdad" or "en realidad"
which is the closest translation.
Lesson 4