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¿Yo? Yo me llamo Lorena. Y usted, senor, ¿como se llama usted?
(Me? My name is Lorena. And you, sir, what is your name?)
Yo me llamo Carlos. ¿TU eres extranjera?
(I'm called Carlos. Are you a foreigner?)
Si, soy de Rusia, soy rusa.
(Yes, I am from Russia. I am Russian.)
Ah, entonces tU hablas el ruso?
(Oh, so then you speak Russian?)
SI, y tambiEn hablo el castellano y el inglEs
(Yes, and I also speak Spanish and English.)
QuE interesante.? Y por quE estAs visitando a esta ciudad?
(How interesting. And why are you visiting this city?)
Estoy aquí por motivos de mi trabajo.
(I am here for work reasons.)
Y que en que trabajas tU?
(And what do you do?)
Soy diplomAtica.
(I am a diplomat.)
¿De veras? Debe ser un empleo muy fascinante.
(Really? It must be a fascinating employment.)
SI, es seguro, y ademAs, conozco a mucha gente muy amable. Pero, ahorita estoy
disfrutando de las vacaciones, porque mi conferencia ya se acabO, asI que estoy
haciendo un poco de turismo.
(Yes, that is true, and also, I meet a lot of nice people. But right now I am
enjoying my vacation, because my conference is over, so I am doing a bit of
¿Y quE has visto de mi pais?
(And what have you seen of my country?)
Bueno, he visto las playas hermosas...
(Well, I have seen the beautiful beaches...)
¿Y nadaste en el mar?
(And you swam in the sea?)
SI, me encanta el oceano. Hice tabla vela, y tambiEn esquI acuAtico. TambiEn
habIa una salida a una isla, ¡y adivina quE vimos!
(Yes, I love the ocean. I windsurfed, and I also waterskiied. There was also
an excursion to an island, and guess what we saw!)
Ballenas, delfines... ¡y mucho mas! ¡Fueron tan lindos!
(Whales, dolphins... and much more! They were so cute!)
¿Que mas conociste de aqui?
(What else did you get to know from here?)
Bueno, fui a la capital. AhI habIan muchas iglesias historicas... la arquitectura
fue fascinante para mi. Tambien he visitado a muchos museos, edificios del gobierno...
pero mas que nada, me gusta estar con la gente, porque ahi es cuando aprendo
mas acerca de la cultura.
(Well, I went to the capital. There were a lot of historic churches there...
the arquitecture was fascinating for me. I also visited many museums, government
buildings... but more than anything else, I like to be with people, because
that is when I learn more about the culture.)
Que bueno! Entonces, donde has estado hablando con los ciudadanos de mi patria?
(That's great! So, where have you been talking to the citizens of my homeland?)
En todo lado... en la carniceria, en la farmacia, donde el sastre, en la ferreteria...
(Everywhere... at the butcher's shop, at the pharmacy, at the tailor, at the
hardware store...)
Y por ejemplo, que conversaron en la carnicerIa?
(And for example, what did you talk about at butcher's shop?)
El carnicero me preguntO que que querIa comprar. Yo le preguntE, "que cortes
de carne tiene?" El me dijo "Tenemos de todo, pero yo le recomiendo estas chuletas
de cerdo" Yo le dije "Ay, no! Yo no como el puerco. Pero esas alas de pollo
me parecen sabrosas... me puede dar sies de ellas, por favor?" "Claro sen~orita!,"
me dijo. Luego de hablar con el por un rato, descubrI que el tiene una hija
que le conoce a mi tIo, porque trabajan en la misma empresa."
(The butcher asked me what I wanted to buy. I asked him, "What cuts of meat
do you have?" He told me, "We have everything, but I recommend these pork chops."
I told him, "Oh, no! I don't eat pork. But these chicken wings seem tasty to
me... can you give me six of them please?" "Of course, ma'am," he told me. After
talking with him for awhile, I discovered that he has a daughter who knows my
uncle, because they work for the same company.)
Que pequen~o que es el mundo,? no? Entonces, ¿que conversaste en la farmacia?
(What a small world it is, right? So then, what did you talk about in the pharmacy?)
Tuve que irme a la farmacia por varias razones. En primer lugar, tenia que
comprarme champu y acondicionador, porque se me acabaron los frascos que traje
conmigo desde mi paIs. Estuve hablando con el cajero, y el me dijo que en el
parque del centro iban a dar un concierto gratuito para el pUblico, y que iba
a tocar la orquesta nacional.
(I had to go to the pharmacy for several reasons. In the first place, I had
to buy shampoo and conditioner, because the bottles I brought with me from my
country had run out. I was talking to the cashier, and he told me that the in
the park downtown they were going to have a free concert for the public, and
that the national orquestra would play.)
¿Y te fuiste?
(and did you go?)
SI, y me divertI mucho. Aparte de la orquesta nacional, habIan muchos conjuntos
que tocaban mUsica bailable.
(Yes, and I enjoyed myself a lot. Aside from the national orquestra, there were
a lot of groups that played dance music.)
¿Que mUsica tocaron?
(What music did they play?)
Un poco de todo. Salsa, merengue, cumbia, vallenato...! todos los bailes que
me encantan!
(A little bit of everything. Salsa, merengue, cumbia, vallenato...! I love all
Entonces, ¿que otros lugares has conocido que te han gustado?
(So then, what other places have you gotten to know that you have liked?)
Ayer me fuI a un bar. Estaba en camino a un restaurante, pero estuvo cerrado,
asI que estaba caminando y vi una discoteca. TratE de entrar, pero habIan demasiadas
personas adentro. AsI que seguIa caminando, y encontrE un bar chiquito, que
me parecIa un lugar muy tranquilo y lindo. EntrE, y no habIa mucha gente, asI
que me sentE en el bar a tomar algo.
(Yesterday I went to a bar. I was on the way to a restaurant, but it was closed,
so I was walking and I saw a discotheque. I tried to go in, but there were too
many people inside. So I kept on walking, and I found a little bar, that seemed
like a quiet and nice. I went in, and there weren't a lot of people, so I sat
down at the bar to drink something.)
Tu tomas?
(Do you drink?)
No mucho. Solo a veces tomo una copa de vino, o a veces un coctel, pero no
me gusta emborracharme. Entonces, le pedI un coctel, y me gustO mucho.
(Not much. Some times I drink a glass of wine, or sometimes a cocktail, but
I don't like to get drunk. So, I ordered a cocktail, and I liked it a lot.
?Tienes hambre sen~orita?
(Are you hungry miss?)
SI, bastante. ?Por que pregunta?
(Yes, quite. Why do you ask?)
Porque me ha gustado mucho conversar contigo. Te invito a mi casa, donde te
puedo presentar a mi esposa y mis tres hijos. Mi esposa es muy buena cocinera!
Te va a encantar la comida que ella prepara. Entonces, ?podrIas venir a las
ocho y cuarto de la noche?
(Because it has really pleased me to talk to you. I invite you to mi house,
where I can introduce you to my wife and my three children. My wife is a very
good cook. You will love the food that she makes. So, could you come at quarter
after eight in the evening?)
Por supuesto que sI. EstarIa encantada. Solo anOteme la direcciOn por favor,
y voy en taxi.
(Of course. I would be charmed. Just please write down the address, and I'll
go by taxi.)
No, mejor en bus, porque es menos caro, y hay una parada justamente en la esquina
de mi casa. Te voy a escribir el nUmero de la parada aqui para que sea fAcil
de llegar.
(No, it would be better by bus, because it is less expensive, and there is a
stop right at the corner of my house. I will write the number of the bus stop
here, so that it will be easy to arrive.)
Bueno, muchIsimas gracias sen~or! Nos vemos a las ocho y cuarto entonces.
(Well, thank you so much sir! We'll see each other at quarter after eight then.)
Hasta luego sen~orita, que estEs bien.
(Until later miss, may you be well.)
DiscUlpame sen~orita, ¿cOmo te llamas?
(Pardon me miss, what is your name?)
¿Yo? Yo me llamo Lorena. Y usted, senor, ¿como se llama usted?
(Me? My name is Lorena. And you, sir, what is your name?)
Yo me llamo Carlos. ¿TU eres extranjera?
(I'm called Carlos. Are you a foreigner?)
Si, soy de Rusia, soy rusa.
(Yes, I am from Russia. I am Russian.)
Ah, entonces tU hablas el ruso?
(Oh, so then you speak Russian?)
SI, y tambiEn hablo el castellano y el inglEs.
(Yes, and I also speak Spanish and English.)
QuE interesante.? Y por quE estAs visitando a esta ciudad?
(How interesting. And why are you visiting this city?)
Estoy aquí por motivos de mi trabajo.
(I am here for work reasons.)
Y que en que trabajas tU?
(And what do you do?)
Soy diplomAtica.
(I am a diplomat.)
¿De veras? Debe ser un empleo muy fascinante.
(Really? It must be a fascinating employment.)
SI, es seguro, y ademAs, conozco a mucha gente muy amable.
Pero, ahorita estoy disfrutando de las vacaciones, porque mi
conferencia ya se acabO, asI que estoy haciendo un poco de turismo.
(Yes, that is true, and also, I meet a lot of nice people. But right now I am
enjoying my vacation, because my conference is over, so I am doing a bit of
¿Y quE has visto de mi pais?
(And what have you seen of my country?)
Bueno, he visto las playas hermosas...
(Well, I have seen the beautiful beaches...)
¿Y nadaste en el mar?
(And you swam in the sea?)
SI, me encanta el oceano. Hice tabla vela, y tambiEn esquI acuAtico.
TambiEn habIa una salida a una isla, ¡y adivina quE vimos!
(Yes, I love the ocean. I windsurfed, and I also waterskiied. There was also
an excursion to an island, and guess what we saw!)
Ballenas, delfines... ¡y mucho mas! ¡Fueron tan lindos!
(Whales, dolphins... and much more! They were so cute!)
¿Que mas conociste de aqui?
(What else did you get to know from here?)
Bueno, fui a la capital. AhI habIan muchas iglesias historicas... la
arquitectura fue fascinante para mi. Tambien he visitado a muchos
museos, edificios del gobierno... pero mas que nada, me gusta estar
con la gente, porque ahi es cuando aprendo mas acerca de la
(Well, I went to the capital. There were a lot of historic churches there...
the arquitecture was fascinating for me. I also visited many museums, government
buildings... but more than anything else, I like to be with people, because
that is when I learn more about the culture.)
Que bueno! Entonces, donde has estado hablando con los
ciudadanos de mi patria?
(That's great! So, where have you been talking to the citizens of my homeland?)
En todo lado... en la carniceria, en la farmacia, donde el sastre, en
la ferreteria...
(Everywhere... at the butcher's shop, at the pharmacy, at the tailor, at the
hardware store...)
Y por ejemplo, que conversaron en la carnicerIa?
(And for example, what did you talk about at butcher's shop?)
El carnicero me preguntO que que querIa comprar. Yo le preguntE,
"que cortes de carne tiene?" El me dijo "Tenemos de todo, pero yo le
recomiendo estas chuletas de cerdo" Yo le dije "Ay, no! Yo no como
el puerco. Pero esas alas de pollo me parecen sabrosas... me puede
dar sies de ellas, por favor?" "Claro sen~orita!," me dijo. Luego de
hablar con el por un rato, descubrI que el tiene una hija que le
conoce a mi tIo, porque trabajan en la misma empresa."
(The butcher asked me what I wanted to buy. I asked him, "What cuts of meat
do you have?" He told me, "We have everything, but I recommend these pork chops."
I told him, "Oh, no! I don't eat pork. But these chicken wings seem tasty to
me... can you give me six of them please?" "Of course, ma'am," he told me. After
talking with him for awhile, I discovered that he has a daughter who knows my
uncle, because they work for the same company.)
Que pequen~o que es el mundo,? no? Entonces, ¿que conversaste en la
(What a small world it is, right? So then, what did you talk about in the pharmacy?)
Tuve que irme a la farmacia por varias razones. En primer lugar,
tenia que comprarme champu y acondicionador, porque se me
acabaron los frascos que traje conmigo desde mi paIs. Estuve
hablando con el cajero, y el me dijo que en el parque del centro
iban a dar un concierto gratuito para el pUblico, y que iba a tocar la
orquesta nacional.
(I had to go to the pharmacy for several reasons. In the first place, I had
to buy shampoo and conditioner, because the bottles I brought with me from my
country had run out. I was talking to the cashier, and he told me that the in
the park downtown they were going to have a free concert for the public, and
that the national orquestra would play.)
¿Y te fuiste?
(and did you go?)
SI, y me divertI mucho. Aparte de la orquesta nacional, habIan
muchos conjuntos que tocaban mUsica bailable.
(Yes, and I enjoyed myself a lot. Aside from the national orquestra, there were
a lot of groups that played dance music.)
¿Que mUsica tocaron?
(What music did they play?)
Un poco de todo. Salsa, merengue, cumbia, vallenato...! todos los
bailes que me encantan!
(A little bit of everything. Salsa, merengue, cumbia, vallenato...! I love all
Entonces, ¿que otros lugares has conocido que te han gustado?
(So then, what other places have you gotten to know that you have liked?)
Ayer me fuI a un bar. Estaba en camino a un restaurante, pero
estuvo cerrado, asI que estaba caminando y vi una discoteca. TratE
de entrar, pero habIan demasiadas personas adentro. AsI que
seguIa caminando, y encontrE un bar chiquito, que me parecIa un
lugar muy tranquilo y lindo. EntrE, y no habIa mucha gente, asI
que me sentE en el bar a tomar algo.
(Yesterday I went to a bar. I was on the way to a restaurant, but it was closed,
so I was walking and I saw a discotheque. I tried to go in, but there were too
many people inside. So I kept on walking, and I found a little bar, that
seemed like a quiet and nice. I went in, and there weren't a lot of people,
so I sat down at the bar to drink something.)
Tu tomas?
(Do you drink?)
No mucho. Solo a veces tomo una copa de vino, o a veces un coctel,
pero no me gusta emborracharme. Entonces, le pedI un coctel, y
me gustO mucho.
(Not much. Some times I drink a glass of wine, or sometimes a cocktail, but
I don't like to get drunk. So, I ordered a cocktail, and I liked it a lot.
?Tienes hambre sen~orita?
(Are you hungry miss?)
SI, bastante. ?Por que pregunta?
(Yes, quite. Why do you ask?)
Porque me ha gustado mucho conversar contigo. Te invito a mi casa,
donde te puedo presentar a mi esposa y mis tres hijos. Mi esposa es
muy buena cocinera! Te va a encantar la comida que ella prepara.
Entonces, ?podrIas venir a las ocho y cuarto de la noche?
(Because it has really pleased me to talk to you. I invite you to mi house,
where I can introduce you to my wife and my three children. My wife is a very
good cook. You will love the food that she makes. So, could you come at
quarter after eight in the evening?)
Por supuesto que sI. EstarIa encantada. Solo anOteme la direcciOn
por favor, y voy en taxi.
(Of course. I would be charmed. Just please write down the address, and I'll
go by taxi.)
No, mejor en bus, porque es menos caro, y hay una parada
justamente en la esquina de mi casa. Te voy a escribir el nUmero de
la parada aqui para que sea fAcil de llegar.
(No, it would be better by bus, because it is less expensive, and there is a
stop right at the corner of my house. I will write the number of the bus stop
here, so that it will be easy to arrive.)
Bueno, muchIsimas gracias sen~or! Nos vemos a las ocho y cuarto entonces.
(Well, thank you so much sir! We'll see each other at quarter after eight then.)
Hasta luego sen~orita, que estEs bien.
(Until later miss, may you be well.)
This dialogue will be discussed in detail in the next lesson.